Audience is invalid auth0 Mar 27, 2023 · Hi! I am developing a mobile app and a web app for my university. I mixed two projects I worked at the same time. However, my access token remains invalid (according to jwt. All is good so far. Nov 27, 2019 · Hey all. The problem is when my React app Jun 22, 2023 · Invalid grant for user signup - Auth0 Community Loading Mar 4, 2020 · Bear with me, new to Auth0/authentication flow. //auth0ClientId → My main app client id, the one I’m using for user signup //auth0ClientSecret → Secret from the app I’m using for Apr 8, 2022 · I see some other discussions about Bad audience. The issue that I am having is that when trying to use the token from the user session withApiAuthRequired, getSession I get this message bellow. snurfer0 December 6, 2021, 12:57pm Invalid audience rueben. js/example at master · Jan 4, 2020 · I’ve been spending days trying get this working, and I’m close but at this point I’m always getting invalid token on the server when verifying it the token sent up from the client. ApiResources and (b) scope in Hello, I have followed official Auht0 tutorials related to angular and net core auth0 implementation. After following the Angular docs for a setup, all I can get is the access token. [domain]. So, I’ve replicated the app and api in the (new) Mar 28, 2019 · I am developing two integrations to Auth0, one is a single page JS app that the user interacts with for authorization. For example the access token looks like this “G-3gMBs1kzY5Q8D0zKy06cIz7hRXfqu3” in the hash. (Note that Auth0 requires that the audience be the SAML Jun 9, 2023 · Hello, I followed the Auth0 documentation for setting up authentication on a . The that initiates authentication is an Angular SPA using code grant with the angular-auth-oidc-client package for authentication. 0 protocol. , "error_description": "invalid credentials" } This is a very similar question but the question isn’t valid anymore you can inspect the token at https://jwt. API calls to my backend should be authenticated with an access token. auth0. com is the Application that services a SPA and is Jun 1, 2017 · In the Go quickstart for the backend, I can’t get the test JWTs provided by the test tab of my API to work. us. I created a new API in Auth0 and added this identifier https://example-api I also added some permissions to this API so we can then use them for with different types of user Jun 21, 2022 · Hi, I need some help in figuring out what is that I am doing wrong here. Thanks for further clarification. authorize({ scope: 'openid profile email offline_access', audience: 'our-company-audience', }); And the credentials object that is returned contains an accessToken, refreshToken, and an idToken. I have looked on all previous topics on this matter but none of my changes have done anything. I’m not getting any errors and the id_token looks fine. Here is the snippet of code: Apr 2, 2024 · Problem statement. This happens when you don’t pass an audience parameter with your request to authorize. The audience param was the same between the 2 apps, the only different param was the CliendIt I managed to create an endpoint in my backend API to create a response with the accessToken and the idToken, so when I login in my front end I can set the response in LocalStorage and set in Headers as a Bearer Dec 17, 2023 · Hello, I’m creating a frontend using Flutter. io/ also tells me that the accessToken is not valid ( invalid signature) with the Aug 6, 2020 · I am using Rsk. The first is the Auth0 post-back URL itself and the second is the SAML entity ID for our connection. The documentation says the primary access token needs the update:current_user_identities scope, which implies to me that the primary access token must have the Management API as its Jan 30, 2024 · It seems the documentation is incorrect mentioning that the management API should return the entity ID of a connection with the following query while I tried with a few SAML connections and it doesn’t appear to be in the Jan 12, 2024 · Hi there. net app, but the angular app and api project are new. So far i have working interceptor - it adds the bearer token to request, and of course login on frontend - i can see proper data in sample user component, like email, sub, taken from Auth0. Net app, after using Auth0 and successfully authenticating with the correct user name and password, we are trying to use the token to make an API call audience {OPTIONAL, string}: The default audience, used if requesting access to an API. You're just loging in, so you'll get the audience for your client, which is your clientId. Feb 11, 2023 · Just wanted to say I spend several hours today debugging the same issue as here: Empty payload in accessToken is not valid From the API specification (Authentication API Explorer), “audience” isn’t a required field yet if you don’t add it, then your JWT is basically worthless. This change was, unsurprisingly, that we didn’t get quite right a part of the SAML spec and it prevented some Jun 8, 2023 · Hi, I added the login & logout flow in django, but whenever using is getting log in I’m getting the access_token which is not valid jwt token. I always get a “Invalid token” response. 2 back end. Unfortunately, I keep getting this as a response when executing the c Jul 20, 2022 · Hi @patzj - thanks for raising this. Running the backend on port 8000, I’m putting the relevant details below Jan 26, 2023 · this AUTH0_AUDIENCE is set to the value of my API identifier not to the name of the client id. Note: I have the same token being generated as the one from before making any Perhaps the link clarified everything, but since it seems dead My understanding is that the name used in dbo. The examples at the link below might be helpful: github. TL; DR: I am trying to implement Cypress. NET WebApi (REST endpoint) that we use Auth0 to provide auth for We would like to call this NET WebApi (REST endpoint) from some other code we write (C# . You're Solution: Typically, this error is due to the fact that the audience param as defined in your authorization config (SDK, request, etc. Can the behavior be reproduced using the SPA SDK Playground? Aug 3, 2022 · For auth0 at least, the “audience” parameter is required in the Auth URL, but it’s being placed in the Access Token request. When you specify an audience parameter for an endpoint other than the user information one, you need to consider that /userinfo will only be included as an additional audience if the following occurs: Jun 17, 2019 · The problem is that when I try to access endpoints on our API it tell me that the audience is invalid. We recently ran an experiment to determine if a change in our runtime would break our customers SSO setup. js, but I don’t think you need to specify an audience when initializing the connection. net core 2. This is a bit of a migration of an existing application that is currently a mvc. I’ve been using Auth0 for authentication successfully for some time. ) does not match an audience (identifier) that has Fortunately there’s a workaround that has worked for me: just add “audience” to the Auth URL directly. I used the same, then after being authenticated, the app asked me to authorize access to profile etc after that, my access token was normal (starting with ey Feb 18, 2019 · Hey there Auth0 folks 👋, many of our customers at GitHub use Auth0 as their idP of choice to enable SAML SSO with our Enterprise Cloud offering. I'm confused whether this lib is suppose to verify access token or ID token. 0. jwt, auth0, api, login, access-token. Curiously, the access tok Apr 13, 2023 · Hey there @dessygil welcome to the community!. Development. Dec 4, 2019 · Anyway, I tried different api and we kept the default audience and same issue still occurred. The audience value is either the application (Client ID) for an ID Token or the API that is being called (API Identifier) for an Access Token. Applies To Default Audience Dashboard Tenant Settings Cause The audience value needs to match one of the API audiences that are configured in the Dashboard under Applications > APIs. When I run the query with a test JWT token, I receive "error": "value of 'kid' has invalid format", Apr 29, 2023 · My guess is that this token is missing the audience - If you do not specify an audience (aud claim) then the access token you get back will be opaque (not a jwt). See Dec 19, 2024 · Ready to post? First, try searching for your answer. The readme states that audience is used when you request access to an API. com"}, privateKey, {algorithm: 'RS256'}) If I Jun 13, 2019 · I’m trying to connect a VueJS SPA app to an ASP. I already have the User Roles and Permissions configured. jwt, auth0, audience. Dec 13, 2021 · I recently switched a legacy web app from using the auth0-js NPM package to auth0-react. I have setup a development account w/ Auth0 with a development application “Development App”, a Machine to Machine app type, and a development endpoint Aug 29, 2017 · We have a rule in place that calls an API to enrich the final token given to the user during the authentication flow. If the Connection does not Feb 10, 2020 · Indeed, the problem is an attempt to decode an access token, not the id token. io port to check this token i got empty payload. I can got the token but when use it I got invalid token. You should try to get an access Mar 13, 2023 · After “loginWithRedirect” in React i get the access token using getAccessTokenSilently but it does not return a valid JWT Here we injected the Auth0Provider into the app import React from "react" import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom" import { Auth0Provider } from "@auth0/auth0-react" const Auth0ProviderWithHistory = ({ children }) => Dec 17, 2020 · www-authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The audience 'https://**{API ID}**, https://**{MY AUTH0 DOMAIN}**/userinfo' is invalid" I’ve run the github solution you provide here GitHub - auth0-blog/secure-blazor-wasm-quiz-manager fine and this works without issue, but I can’t find any (relevant) differences in my Feb 28, 2020 · I am new to auth0, and have been reading a bit and experimenting a bit. For example, if you set this value to SAML when your application expects OpenID Connect or WS-Fed results in errors due to Mar 12, 2020 · Hi, Since a couple of days I’m getting invalid access_tokens. Thanks for the detailed description and code snippets Are you positive the audience is being passed in the authorize request? When you run your app and attempt to login, you should be able to this param being passed by inspecting the authorize request in the Network tab: Nov 21, 2022 · This topic was automatically closed 14 days after the last reply. I believe my frontend code is in order, however when I try to wire up an existing API, I now get a 401-unauthorized, with the response saying “jwt audience invalid. Basically it’s this exact flow: I’ve got the JS app working fine, it calls the relevant “Application” on Auth0 and returns me an “access_token” (I am setting the “audience” attribute Apr 12, 2020 · I am having difficulty getting the jsonwebtoken verify function to work correctly. Most authorization servers have a single resource server/api so the audience is implicit. What is it? Jan 10, 2024 · Question: Why is my access token not a JWT? (Opaque Token) Answer: An access token will be issued in one of the following formats: JSON Web Token (JWT) : Tokens that conform to the JSON Web Token standard and contain information about an entity in the form of claims. You can read more information from the specification here. I am signing my jwt using the following: jwt. The audience (aud) will either not verify (even though it is the same as what was in the jwt originally), or it will verify even if the content of aud is different from what was originally in the jwt. I followed Auth0’s React guide (available here). On your dashboard if you go to APIs-> Auth0 Management API → API Audience is mentioned next to the name. What's actually happening is that by providing an audience, Auth0 will return an Access Token in JWT format, which can be parsed and validated by a resource server. I have Unique identifier of the audience for an issued token, identified within a JSON Web Token as the aud claim. foo. 1. I’ve gone the route of using the oidc-client library in Angular and I’m able to authenticate just fine and I can properly generate a jwt token and pass that There are a couple of things worth noting, the tutorial itself seems to have an issue with placeholder when a logged in user is viewing it. Jwt audience invalid - It's client_id instead of the real audience. Audience is Invalid. js backend. Now, we have the app. Welcome to the Auth0 Community! You should be able to see what the audience is by inspecting the token. I think the best way to illustrate the relationships is through an example. js invalid token using middleware, which token to use? - Auth0 Loading Mar 25, 2019 · I’m certainly not an expert with auth0. I console logged the JWT token (screenshots Jul 15, 2022 · I have successfully created a frontend using the vanilla JS Spa started. NET core API backend. Feb 20, 2024 · I’m currently investigating a legacy project and came across an unusual snippet where the authentication server base URL and the audience base URL are identical. net/auth0 8. My Guardian config: config :my_app, MyApp. oauth = OAuth() oauth. Adding the audience to the AuthURL fixed the issue for me. The other is a Laravel API which will handle the business logic. io tests on my exising codebase. Can anyone please help me with this? ConfigurationException: Validation of “audience” was unsuccessful in C:\\ Feb 27, 2018 · Out of nowhere we started to receive “User is not authorized to the audience for those scopes” errors 5 hours ago. I created an endpoint in this NextJs app that creates an accessToken and sends it along to an external API I have control over (different domain): import { getAccessToken, withApiAuthRequired } from '@auth0/nextjs-auth0'; const { accessToken } = await getAccessToken(req, res, { scopes: Apr 5, 2022 · The problem you are seeing most probably comes from the fact that session cookie is set to strict or none and http is being used. What was the expected behavior? getTokenSilently({audience: undefined}) should behave the same as getTokenSilently() and utilise the globally configured audience. NET Core WebAPI 2. function enrichTokenWithCtxUserRef(user, context, callback) { // if this is not an authentication for an api or this client // doesn't provide a Feb 15, 2018 · Auth0-js v9 - popup authorize - invalid issuer problem Loading Oct 18, 2024 · Wrong token audience (aud) claim: The aud (audience) claim in the token should match your application’s client ID or the identifier for which the token was intended. I’ve added an audience parameter to my auth url, I’ve tried changing it to ‘aud’, I’ve looked all around and cant find any community docs on it. For reference information see (Authentication and Authorization Flows), but the main point is that an ID token is a token issued always in association with the particular client that started the authentication and an Jun 30, 2017 · These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. Have tried sending request with Postman, only works with the token that we get in the “test” section of our API dashboard. Everything uses RS256. I’ve got everything set up correctly as far as I can tell, but I can’t seem to figure out how to set the audience properly so that the IAM IdP configuration and Auth0 agree. Some API actions require the user to be authenticated. Has somebody similar issue or any idea how to debug t Out of nowhere we started to receive “User is not authorized to the audience for those scopes” errors 5 hours ago. Jul 9, 2018 · I’m trying to generate temporary credentials in AWS using the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity endpoint, with Auth0 as my Identity Provider. In a Xamarin mobile/. Solution Select an audience value from the list of APIs configured under Application Dec 6, 2021 · Auth0 django-rest-framework invalid audience inside jwt_decode_token method. Do check and let me know how you go! Regards, Sid Aug 12, 2017 · In our SAML connection, Auth0 acts as a service provider with HelloID as the identity provider. The audience listed in the token is the auth0 clientID of the mobile app. Jan 30, 2018 · I am integrating Auth0 with my backend application as an authorisation service. At Auth0, the Audience value sent in a request for an Access Token dictates whether that token is returned in an opaque or JWT format. Sep 25, 2023 · Hi @waju,. local. When they say the ClientId what they really want is the value under the "expose an API" option where it says "Application ID URI". The API request is returning an “InvalidTokenError: Invalid URL”. New replies are no longer allowed. Also, guardian as the token decoding library which returns invalid token. Mar 27, 2020 · I’m trying to login users with password using Auth0-java using a machine to machine application. Auth0 typically generates both an ID Token and Oct 7, 2024 · Ready to post? 🔍 First, try searching for your answer. Code and the PKCE flows. In the Register the client app (msal-angular-spa) paragraph after creating the client app, I added a single page application platform in the ‘Authentication’ Azure menu. Oct 21, 2020 · auth0. jwt, audience. NET code) This seems to be a good fit for the “Client Credentials” Dec 4, 2023 · However, the access token received is either incomplete or invalid. On my Go server I have implemented auth0-golang-api-samples/01 Dec 29, 2017 · Getting in appropriate access token and audience not working Loading Oct 23, 2018 · I verified a token is created to angular 6 front end from core 2. We use the jwt idToken to communicate with our . com. My backend is made in NodeJS and I authenticate my users with this code: import { auth } from 'express-oauth2-jwt-bearer'; export const validateAuthori Jan 12, 2024 · Problem statement. Steps Taken: Verified the Auth0 audience: Double-checked and ensured that the audience specified in the authentication process matches the exa Invalid audience with Go API backend (Frontend: React SPA) March 31, 2021 Power Apps Oath2 to Auth0 leads to incorrect audience and issuer in JWT. Can you see if you were previously passing an audience param and haven’t been passing it in your new config? If not, can you please post an example of the token you are Apr 10, 2017 · Seems this grant type, in Auth0, expects audience in AuthURL. I wanted to deploy the pre-production app so I am following the recommendations here by creating a separate tenant for development (keeping the original tenant for production). by jwt. I have added the authentication pieces to WebApi per the Auth0 instructions and I have created the API entries in my dashboard. The domain config setting points to the XXXX. Welcome to the Auth0 Community Forum! I am wondering if this is related to the added audience for the management api. Now I’m trying to use refresh tokens with shorter access token expiration times, to hopefully make it more secure. Using jwt. (i am using . Initially, I used https://<my-tenant>/userinfo as audience, but in the test token, the audience was https://<my-tenant>/api/v2/. I think it's a shame that this ticket was closed, given that it still affects users. 2 api. I made sure that the algorithm being used is RS256 in both the API (used as the audience) and the project that I got the Jun 12, 2023 · Next. Some more on that here: @tyf is spot on; that’s exactly what’s happening . That is, it cannot be decoded but can be used against the /userinfo endpoint. Dec 2, 2020 · I am trying to configure Power Automate to consume this API using OAuth2, but Power Automate does not allow me to specify an audience when configuring the OAuth2 connection, with the result that the access token that is retrieves is an opaque access token about 32 characters long rather than the JWT that is required to access my API. Auth0 expects the value to be the Entity ID for the connection. io gives me the correct issuer and audience. Session is used to correllate “state” attribute being passed back in login request from auth0. NET 8 and also all the packages that i use related to . Auth0 asks HelloID for authentication, and HelloID responds with SAML data that includes two audiences. The problem comes when I try to call Auth0 Management API through our node. When I log the error, I get square/go-jose/jwt: validation failed, invalid audience claim (aud) The audience claim in the JWT, the audience string set in my API settings, and the audience string set in my go code are all exactly the same. js Mar 31, 2019 · I am trying to login to android app using auth0 and access my API created in auth0 dash dashboard after success full login i am using access token to post to my api endpoint but getting unauthorized Error: jwt audience Jan 7, 2023 · Generated JWT token is invalid - Auth0 Community Loading Apr 22, 2023 · First I created an API in Auth0, with Audience as the GraphQL Endpoint in Atlas. select all the permissions under the API and save. It’s like it’s caching the development settings that I originally had, even if I change the values in appsettings. Then to setup custom JWT auth in Atlas, I provided the JWK URI, and the Audience same as what I setup the Auth0 API with. Is there someone who knows how to fix that? The audience parameter should be the value of the API identifier in the API settings. Mar 23, 2021 · Looks like the -r/--instanceurl flag maps to the aud (audience) parameter for the JWT. I also have a Flask backend that protects resources from this tutorial: Auth0 Python API SDK Quickstarts: Authorization I then use getAccessTokenSilently(audience: API_AUDIENCE, scope: SCOPES) in the React app to get an access token. Welcome to the Auth0 Community! Have you registered the API, set the correct identifier, and allowed access to the client in the dashboard? The audience you are sending should be the same as the API identifier you see in the dashboard. I’m trying to get an access token on the frontend side, for flutter web (I haven’tr tried Android or iOS yet). The response protocol is the one used between Auth0 and the Application (not the remote identity provider). Locate your connection, and select its Try (triangle/play) icon to test the interaction between Auth0 and the remote IdP. For that, I am following the Mobile + API architecture scenario. My understanding is that this is typically not allowed Aug 14, 2019 · Hi @berlioz,. They are self-contained in that it is not necessary for the recipient to call a server to Sep 9, 2023 · Thanks for the Reply, I already have an audience in the system, and I am getting the correct token, and When I try to validate the token on jwt. We recently changed our local domain so that we could test scenarios we would be seeing in prod environments, (we no longer use localhost as the domain URL), and I thought that I had set all the correct values in both my May 15, 2023 · I am trying to add authentication through regular web application in php. Welcome to the Auth0 Community! It sounds to me that you may have generated an opaque access token. I’ve gone so far as to create a custom API Mar 18, 2022 · Welcome to the Auth0 Community! It looks like you may be receiving an opaque token. What I was putting in there was the guid for Hi @coder,. Oct 25, 2021 · Hello! I have a Next. This is my initialization of AuthWeb: Nov 20, 2019 · I am trying my best to fully understand the relationship between Applications, APIs, Audience, and Scopes within the world of Auth0 and oauth 2. You can do so via JWT. io, the site lists the correct data and values but still the site says that the token has an invalid signature. . Not sure how to connect api with my regular web application. For example, for me it displayed: I have a SPA setup and I have declared and audience and created a custom API in Auth0 and in my React front end im calling the getAccessTokenSilently and getting an invalid token. io and as such unavailable once the response is returned to auth. io it states invalid signature. I tried the token provided by auth0 (test api) its working! so I think we missed something in token creation body ? May 22, 2018 · I think I am pretty close to having it work but the access token I receive back from Okta seems to be invalid. I have a . Here’s what I got: React client (with apollo) that uses react-auth0-spa. If you look in the functionality that cannot be migrated section, it mentions that you cannot ‘get user with the management api. My requests work with manual Audience is Invalid. ApiScopes -- which itself must (via ApiResourceId) be child to your resource in dbo. In this situation, you will need to configure the audience in the Auth0Provider component to specify the audience in the auth0Provider options: <Auth0Provider domain="your-auth0 Jul 27, 2017 · SharePoint 2013, configured but giving a warning about Audience URI Loading May 4, 2017 · You signed in with another tab or window. Guardian, allowed_algos: "HS256 Jul 12, 2017 · Social Login with Google Returns Tokens That Are Invalid for the API Loading Nov 10, 2022 · Hi @michael24,. The frontend should work on web, Android and iOS. Instead of Android and Node. The issue is that the access token I receive after logging in is invalid: I cannot decode Oct 23, 2020 · To my knowledge the SDK will set a cookie specific to the full domain where the SDK is being used, however, you’re using one domain to start the login and a different one to process the callback so it’s likely that the cookie is being set, but on app. 3: 15087: August 29, 2019 JWT failing on Node call. io/ and check if the payload includes the audience value "aud" for your tenant’s userinfo endpoint "https Mar 2, 2022 · Describe the problem. " also there is no way to change the management API audience , for example after you created a custom Aug 5, 2024 · I can confirm that a sample token when decoded in jwt. You switched accounts on another tab or window. The audience in the code above is set like this Apr 4, 2017 · The access token you’re using does not meet this requirement as it only lists a different API as a valid audience. When calling getTokenSilently({audience: undefined}) the returned token is invalid. This lib is designed to verify access token JWTs. When you decode it, what do you see? Sep 21, 2023 · Thanks! That was my problem. I’ve got a react app with a nodejs backend and a cloud database. Ensure the audience parameter in the token request matches the identifier of the API in Auth0. tiow December 6, 2021, 6:16pm 3. Nothing was changed in our infrastructure recently. So a quick rundown of my app, I have an angular front end with a . I’ll omit the code from the user creation, since it’s working. This article explains why a SAML connection with an Identity Provider who’s SAML response doesn’t include an audience or Audience Restriction Jan 10, 2023 · Hello @tyf and thank you for your answer. After receiving an access token from Auth0, an “Invalid audience” error occurs during token verification. js, I am following the iOS Swift quickstart and the Django API tutorial. When all requests with ManagementClient of Auth0 packages still mark "Bad Audience" when other API audience than the "reserved API" are called. My Steps to reproduce the issue: create Machine to Machine Applications and name it m2m-app select the Auth0 Management API as the API to authorize to this M2M app. Further, I am using the VueJS starter app that Auth0 provides and have added that as an app in my Dec 20, 2021 · Question: What is the Audience? Answer: The audience parameter exists as part of the OAuth2. On the other hand, I have a question about one step in demo. As a temporary workaround, we are using the ID token, but we understand this is not an ideal solution. You can verify this by using it against the /userinfo endpoint. However, it’s not clear to me what audiences and scopes those tokens need. Auth0 expects the value to be Audience is Invalid This error occurs if the value of the audience element from the identity provider's SAML response doesn't match the value expected by Auth0. The problem was the configuration data for the Web API. 0) (i am using the Blazor template) Jan 30, 2018 · I’m trying to explore the auth0 world testing it with Postman. At this time, if you define a custom API in your dashboard so that Auth0 can issue access tokens for that API then the currently support format for those access tokens is the JWT one and the access token in the screenshot does not seem to be a JWT. spa, audience Mar 28, 2023 · I got token from Auth0 but invalid access token ‘cnM9zL7xXQVq8pwt2n4S5C6zR-6Yw66G’ JWT signature is RS256. When I test the token in the jwt. DynamicAuthenticationProviders with my project, and serving up a sample OpenIdConnect and Saml account using Auth0. Instead of trying to use the domain for a specific instance (which doesn't work in my testing), you should simply specify either Jul 20, 2017 · audience {OPTIONAL, string}: The default audience, used if requesting access to an API. For example, if you set this value to SAML when your application expects OpenID Connect or WS-Fed JWT audience invalid when posting to controller with [Authorize] Loading This means that the Resource API ultimately needs to say "I accept < App ID GUID > as a valid Audience Claim" or "I accept < App ID URI > as a valid Audience Claim". sign within the rule fails about half the time (meaning the generated value is not a valid token). com/authorize?audience=<THE_AUDIENCE>. Code is below. This frontend will make API calls to my backend. The audience parameter is needed to get valid JWT access tokens. I tried the curl Navigate to Auth0 Dashboard > Authentication > Enterprise, and select SAML. Help. I’m new to auth0 to trying to get it all setup. Let me just outline what we are trying to do We want to have a . What I want to do is set the role after user creation via api. As of now, I’m not worried about the backend. webAuth. net core project. Auth0 supports multiple APIs and token May 22, 2020 · Hi Dan I have seen the js SDK, but we’re integrating the auth0 authentication on a pre existing project that use “@auth0/angular-jwt” and “angular-oauth2-oidc” library for standard oauth flow. Hey @JetMatt, Welcome to the Auth0 Community! The audience for the management api in the “/oauth/token” request needs to be the Management API identifier. const credentials = await auth0. 3: 3972: March 13, 2019 iOS swift "We're sorry, something went wrong when - Auth0 Community Loading Aug 5, 2019 · From the screenshot it seems the issue is that the access token is not the right one. I followed “Log In with Password - /oauth/token” from “GitHub - auth0/auth0-java: Java client library for the Auth0 platform”. When I want to use this accessToken in my backend, PyJWT crashes because the payload of the accessToken is empty. This can be seen in the API list from: from “This error occurs if the value of the audience element from the identity provider’s SAML response does not match the value expected by Auth0. It looks like a regular JWT, but actually it's a self contained encrypted JWT. The token only has two parts Oct 26, 2019 · Hi, I’m developing an SPA app (React) with a . I’m not sure what else could be causing the behavior you’re seeing but I’m actually looking into the Mar 2, 2024 · Hello, I’ve used the quickstart scenario for SPA + API. Can you expand on the use case Feb 27, 2018 · We are currently working an incident on this issue - [Minor] Incorrect (less) permissions in Management API access tokens • Auth0 Status Page Dec 18, 2018 · Hi! I’m currently having some issues regarding the authorization extension. Reproduction. https://jwt. It’s in this form 41-NESMPfNb39I7xbG0JyXiB6yDM-1Yw and I don’t seem to have changed anything that might have caused this. json May 15, 2023 · Hello everyone, I’m implementing an iOS application that needs to communicate with a Python/Django backend. As you can see, it has two audiences specified. This kind of logic may be built into the library you are using (like OWIN), but you need to make sure that on your API side, you have it configured correctly for the Audiences you expect. io) and therefor my API is also throwing Unauthorized exceptions. But as You Feb 20, 2019 · If you have an API that will be called from different application then you should consider sending an appropriate access token instead of the ID token. expected: ”. js project with the Auth0 universal login, and a Flask API and the test with Postman work as expected. ApiResources should line up with the apiName in your API, while your client's named scope must align with (a) a scope listed in dbo. However, my code does not even get to the jwt. I had simple user authentication setup using the react API no problem. I’m having trouble finding if this is a requirement of any of the OAuth 2 RFCs or related docs but unfortunately this parameter is basically a requirement in the Auth URL if you don’t want to get malformed Jun 29, 2021 · I’m using Auth0 universal flow for user authentication which works perfectly fine. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. com domain from the application and the audience poi Mar 4, 2018 · Make sure client is allowed to include v2 API audience by visiting APIs > Auth0 Management API > Non Interactive Clients and Authorize your client (7xVERL0bjhY*****VXeLW4fzyi) (your token will be considered invalid otherwise). I totally cannot understand the concept behind audience to be honest. Oct 17, 2023 · I followed this and set up a Nextjs app with the Auth0 Universal Login. I have NextJS frontend using the Pages Router and Express API. We’re using the auth0/react-native-auth0 package to log in our users. com auth0. But no luck to fix the problem when I use M2M app. I’m guessing this is because of 2 audiences in the token. This logs in and when I silently get a token and request to my API this works fine. It doesn’t seem to care if I completely replace both of my appsettings files with the production tenant auth & audience. You signed out in another tab or window. 0: 3102: December 2, 2020 SPA: Access token for multiple APIs. Hi @snurfer0, Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community! Jan 28, 2020 · @markd Can you tell me what audience I shoul put to access to this endpoint ?. Just wanted to report that I'm having the same issue with Auth0 for both the Auth. It gives the impression that a Mar 20, 2023 · My JWT is this. register( “auth0”, client_id=settings. io. decode part as it crashes when attempting to get the signing_key in the verify method. Let’s say I have a service topology for the following system 1 Application to many APIs www. NET Core Web API App) involving endpoints. ’ You could try and remove anything related to that and use the getUser method for getting a profile instead. AUTH0[“CLIENT Jan 10, 2022 · I am using Auth0Provider to secure routes in my React application. When you login to Auth0 and don't specify an Audience, you will get an opaque access token. I have created an access token via endpoint oauth/token with client credentials and user’s email and password. What am I missing? ERROR { "code": Dec 5, 2022 · Hello, I am using flutter as a frontend, the login works and I get a valid accessToken (valid because I can use this accessToken to the userProfile on the flutter side). I propose either: (1) updating docs to make “audience” a required field or (2) Mar 29, 2021 · Getting an invalid audience when I try to connect to the API with the frontend. Nov 15, 2024 · Please contact support if the problem persists. For auth0, you’d probably put something like https://<AUTH0_SERVER>. NET Core Web API that I need to authenticate with so that I can internally run integration tests (from the . May 29, 2018 · Interesting I decoded the token and the signature is to my development tenant. Reload to refresh your session. sign({aud: "example. May 9, 2023 · The Management API has the option to link users by providing an access token for each user. This article will explain when and under what conditions the text and buttons on each screen listed in the table below will appear. However, I’m getting 401 errors trying to authenticate. oftk cvhmtwwqf umnzov lrzxob ppg glvpbln kbxo aevauck jjc sdq