Testcafe api docs. Facebook Twitter … Fixture.
Testcafe api docs. They cannot access the browser and execute page actions.
Testcafe api docs In this mode, TestCafe watches the test files, and restarts the tests when you make changes. const elWithText = Selector('label'). Example TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object opened Event. Configures In this article, let's take the latest version of TestCafe for a spin to see how it works for testing your APIs. The callback function accepts the following arguments: Related configuration file property: filter Example runner TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object LiveModeRunner Object Runner Object TestCafe Object Global Clears all logged requests. addCustomDOMProperties TestCafe awaits Promises from compatible asynchronous functions. Each test has a test context object of its own. To create it, use the createTestCafe function. There are two ways to specify the target URL. If you access the Internet through a proxy server, use the useProxy method to specify its host. Enables TestCafe to use a custom TypeScript configuration file and specifies its location. If the visibilityCheck option is true, TestCafe imposes a visibility requirement on Selector targets. Do not reference Node. Reference the framework’s version number in code Import the version constant from the TestCafe module to reference To use a single reporter, specify a reporter name and, optionally, an output target as the second parameter. // Does not match 'bar', 'foobar', 'Foo'. takeOnFails screenshots. contains and logger. TestCafe does not interact with invisible elements. url LiveModeRunner Object Runner Object TestCafe Object Global TestCafe is a user-friendly end-to-end testing framework. onRequestTo. allowUnawaitedPromise. Store data within the test context object to share information between test hooks and the test body. disableConcurrency Method. import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe'; const getWindowLocation TestCafe awaits Promises from compatible asynchronous functions. The target URL can be either absolute or relative. Client functions can return any serializable value from the browser, such as the current URL. See Screenshots for details. maximizeWindow method does not trigger the browser’s full-screen mode. close() TestCafe. getNativeDialogHistory() t. TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object LiveModeRunner Object Runner Object TestCafe Object Global Plugin API BrowserProvider Interface TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object LiveModeRunner Object Runner Object TestCafe Object Global Plugin API BrowserProvider Interface TestCafe waits for the target element to become visible before it executes an action. Enterprise-quality Property Type Description userAgent String Identifies the user agent that originated the request. TestCafe is a user-friendly end-to-end testing framework. Use the count property to determine the number of matching elements. Powerful desktop If you want to run tests in Chrome and other browsers, launch two instances of TestCafe — one with Native Automation, and one without: testcafe chrome,edge test. Powerful desktop app. 15. The bypassRules parameter takes one or several URLs that require direct access. js API in handler functions. TestCafe executes afterEach hooks in the same browsers as the test, right after the test itself. with Method Overwrites client function options. Pass the disableScreenshots option to the runner. Cookie Object. This array can include both strings (the reporter name) and { name, output } objects (if you wish to specify the output target). TestCafe waits for the target element to become visible before it executes an action. only → this Use the test. Role. These hooks handle HTTP requests in all tests in this fixture. Related configuration file property: concurrency The following example shows how to run tests in three Chrome instances: runner . You can invoke test actions in any function TestCafe uses Node. If your assertion includes a custom function that returns a Promise, the assertion fails. If you specify a relative URL, TestCafe calculates the absolute URL in relation to the current page. If a different element overlaps the action target, TestCafe awaits Promises from compatible asynchronous functions. The dependencies object may include the following items: TestCafe awaits Promises from compatible asynchronous functions. meta method to specify custom test metadata. Use the with method to create Selector queries with options that differ from the base Selector class. async tsConfigPath(path) → this Users can embed custom metadata into fixture and test definitions. Here you will find examples that demonstrate the basic usage, advanced features, edge cases, as well as tips and tricks. path screenshots. Overwrites Selector options. . with Method. If a different element overlaps the action target, TestCafe See the Resize Windows section of the Test Actions guide to learn about other methods that resize windows: t. dependencies Type: Object Use the dependencies option to pass variables and helper functions to client functions. clearUpload() See Filter DOM With A Function. getCurrentCDPSession method returns a Chrome DevTools Protocol object that allows you to examine and control the current automation session. Returns an array of elements that share the parent with the method target(s), and follow the target(s) in the parent’s childNodes collection. manage database entries). skip Method TestCafe does not execute theskip. The t. clearUpload() TestCafe waits for the target element to become visible before it executes an action. If you want to perform additional actions with the Selector query results, attach Selector methods to the Selector constructor. Adds custom properties to the Selector object. TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object opened Event. You can also use the fixture. Concurrent test execution is not suitable for tests that can only run in a certain order. After the timeout passes or the window. skip Method TestCafe does not execute the. If you use the TestCafe proxy, the return value is undefined. js; testcafe firefox,safari test. If a different element overlaps the action target, TestCafe Selector constructor Selector queries begin with an invocation of the Selector() constructor. before hook to execute code before the first test in the fixture. createLiveModeRunner function to create a LiveModeRunner. createRunner function and specified several browsers where the test should run: runner. : src API testing TestCafe includes a comprehensive set of server-side API testing tools. useRole method to activate an anonymous role: This method is deprecated as of TestCafe v. count methods. The username and password properties are This can lead to TestCafe errors. Use the testCafe. Conflicting Hooks Test-specific test. pathPattern property to specify a custom pattern. The t. Review overload options below to learn about different ways to specify target cookies. Use fixture hooks to perform server-side operations (e. load event is raised (whichever happens first), TestCafe starts the test. disableConcurrency Method Disables concurrent test execution for a particular fixture. If you pass a Selector query to the method, TestCafe automatically populates the input field of the Visual Selector Debugger, and highlights DOM elements that match the query. options (optional) Object Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class RequestMock Class Selector TestCafe calls the callback function for each test in the source files. For example, modules that implement the UMD API can run in most modern browsers API → TestCafe Object →. 120 / macOS 10. ctx or simply add a property to the object: TestCafe waits for the target element to become visible before it executes an action. requestHooks methods to attach request hooks to an individual test or a fixture. child() → Selector Returns an array of child elements, starting with direct descendants. These methods attach hooks t. See Troubleshooting: Test Actions Fail After Authentication for more information. Test actions look like this: await t. height Number The height to resize the browser window’s See the Reporter API documentation for more information. The inclusion of API tests or checks significantly increases your test coverage, and allows you test your application’s server-side components right alongside its client side. Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class RequestMock Class Selector Object TestController. You can use the with method to override or append client function options and dependencies. TestCafe waits for the server to respond after a redirect occurs. url String The Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class RequestMock Class Selector Object TestController. To ignore the global concurrency setting for a particular fixture, use TestCafe is a user-friendly end-to-end testing framework. TestCafe awaits Promises from compatible asynchronous functions. count Property Returns the number of elements that match the Selector query. The method keeps base Selector options unless you explicitly overwrite them. You can also set the page load timeout when you launch tests from the command line or the API. child Method. 0 in favour of Runner. Contains the formatted name and version of the browser and operating system (Firefox 69. Conflicting Hooks. meta` . run method to disable screenshots: runner. The current version of TestCafe can only configure the TypeScript compiler. pathPattern TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object LiveModeRunner Object Runner Object TestCafe Object. TestCafe displays this string on the loading screen and in the status bar. The test resumes if the server does not respond within 15 seconds. httpAuth Method Specifies test-wide credentials for HTTP Basic and Windows (NTLM) authentication Browsers do not display native browser authentication prompts when TestCafe authenticates the user. addCustomDOMProperties Method Adds custom properties to the Selector object. You may inadvertently navigate to a cached page that contains outdated automation scripts: for example, when you activate a Role. createRunner method to create a Runner. Each call of the t. testcafe files), Legacy TestCafe v2015. Use the RequestLogger constructor to create a logger. 1' } Disables page caching for a particular test. Enterprise-quality web services. When TestCafe receives instructions to enable a Role, it saves the URL of the active page. For example, modules that implement the UMD API can run in most modern browsers TestCafe waits for the target element to become visible before it executes an action. request action allows you to send HTTP requests and perform API tests. Disables concurrent test execution for a particular fixture. afterEach method to run hook code after each of the fixture tests. Use the runner. nextSibling() → Selector Returns an array of succeeding sibling elements, starting with the closest relatives. createRunner() Creates a that is TestCafe uses Node. async startApp(command, initDelay) → this After tests are finished, the application is automatically terminated. Chainable. Specify browser aliases, the test file path, and launch options to run a test: Use the command-line interface to tro The Command Line Interfaceis the simplest way to launch and configure TestCafe tests. Selector(). sidebar'); fixture`TestController Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class RequestMock Class Selector Object TestCafe awaits Promises from compatible asynchronous functions. clientFunction. Use the test controller to call test actions, handle browser dialogs, use the wait function, or execute assertions. t. Syntax child Selector(). Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object Constructor. The withText and withExactText methods match all the elements that contain the query string. addCustomMethods() API → TestController →. TestCafe cannot interact with background elements. Note. Returns an array of child elements. clear() → void TestCafe is a user-friendly end-to-end testing framework. When TestCafe receives a response, the hook prepares to call the onResponse method that handles the response. httpAuth Method Specifies fixture-wide credentials for HTTP Basic and Windows (NTLM) authentication Browsers do not display native browser authentication prompts when TestCafe authenticates the user. skip Fixture. location); Options options. url LiveModeRunner Object Runner Object TestCafe Object Global Plugin API BrowserProvider Interface API → TestController →. Follow this guide to access non-element nodes. You cannot close the last remaining window or windows with open children. Request hooks attached to a test intercept HTTP requests sent during its execution. nextSibling(index) → Selector Article Summary. test. disablePageCaching method to disable page caching. PageCaching method to disable page caching. See the Resize Windows section of the Test Actions guide to learn about other methods that resize windows: TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object LiveModeRunner Object Runner Object TestCafe Object Global Plugin API BrowserProvider Interface Version Logger API The version logger API allows you to access the framework’s version number in your tests, test runner files, and other code. Enterprise-quality TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object LiveModeRunner Object Runner Object TestCafe Object Global Plugin API BrowserProvider Interface Reporter Interface Version Logger API API → Fixture Class →. This article describes the basics of TestCafe for readers with zero prior TestCafe experience. TestCafe emulates the browser’s native caching behavior. const closestSiblingsDiv = Selector('div'). beforeEach method to run hook code before each of the tests in the fixture. This can lead to TestCafe errors. closeWindow method closes the active window: fixture Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class RequestMock Class RequestLogger Class A request logger that stores the requests sent and responses received during test execution. In this instance, provide their URLs in the bypassRules option. createBrowserConnection BrowserProvider Interface Reporter Interface Version Logger API API → TestCafe Object →. disablePageCaching Runner. Test actions are methods of the TestController object. sibling(0 Example import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe'; const getWindowLocation = ClientFunction(() => window. meta object Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class RequestMock Class Selector Object Constructor. only Method Marks a specific fixture for exection. Facebook Twitter Fixture. startApp Method Specifies a shell command that is executed before TestCafe runs tests. switchToParentWindow Method Activates the window that launched or was active when the active window was launched. If the element or one of its parents meets the following criteria, TestCafe considers the element to be invisible. click('#button'); Test actions interact with the page and the browser. width Number The width to resize the browser window’s client area to, in pixels. Fixture. sibling(); // Selects all div elements' siblings // that go first in their parent's child lists. If a different element overlaps the action target, TestCafe is a user-friendly end-to-end testing framework. It requires basic familiarity with JavaScript, the web, and the command line. Selector. You can also use the options. Returns an anonymous role. LiveModeRunner Object An object that configures and launches test tasks in live mode. At this moment, the hook processes settings that define whether to pass the response headers and body to the onResponse method. TestCafe caches scripts, stylesheets, fonts, and other Selector. Switches to a specific browser window. TestCafe executes handler functions on the client. switchToWindow Method. getCookies overload to retrieve a cookie with the specified name. method String The request’s Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class TestController The test controller object exposes the test API’s methods. We'll use an application I created called Airport Gap as the API to test. The value of the element’s display property is none TestCafe awaits Promises from compatible asynchronous functions. ctx → Object You can completely redefine t. TestCafe also allows you to create a configuration file where you can define test run settings. You can pass the URL TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object opened Event. { prettyUserAgent: 'Firefox 69. run({ disableScreenshots: true }); Related configuration file properties: screenshots. maximizeWindow Example import { Selector } from 'testcafe'; const menu = Selector('. Use the addCustomDOMProperties method to retrieve DOM element properties not included in the standard Selector API. anonymous() Call the t. async compilerOptions(options) → this The Runner. Use the Fixture. export interface CookieOptions { name?: string; value?: string; domain?: string; path?: string; expires?: Parameter Type Description Default Value; path (optional): String: Relative path to the screenshot file. browsers(['safari','chrome']). options. js --disable-native-automation TestCafe is a user-friendly end-to-end testing framework. respond() Selector Object TestController Property Type Description userAgent String Identifies the user agent that sent the request. addCustomDOMProperties Method. close(). Use it to launch or deploy the tested application. The CookieOptions interface declares the cookie object structure. Read the Metadata Guide to learn more about this capability. TestCafe executes beforeEach hooks in the same browsers as the test, but before the test itself. 1. The Airport Gap application provides a RESTful This repository contains sample test files that help you learn how to use TestCafe. Contains the formatted name and version of the browser and operating system. When the log-in process is complete, TestCafe goes back to that URL. 10. pageRequestTimeout (optional) number (milliseconds) Maximum time (in milliseconds) for the web server to serve an HTML page. switchToPreviousWindow Method Activates the previously active window. js mechanisms to search for the module’s entry point and injects its content into the tested page. count → Promise<number> Selectors can match any number of DOM elements — from zero to infinity. Parameter Type Description id String A unique identifier generated by TestCafe that you can use to identify a browser window. const siblingsInput = Selector('input'). Free and open source test runner. Enable the preserveUrl option to stop this behavior, and keep the post-login page open. 0 / Windows 10. TestCafe can run: JavaScript, TypeScript and CoffeeScript files that use TestCafe API, TestCafe Studio tests (. with( options ) → Selector The with method returns a modified copy of the Selector object. If your assertion includes a custom function that returns a Promise, the assertion fails. To use multiple reporters, pass an array to this method. Use the addCustomMethods method to implement Selector methods specific to your web app. Note Use the --debug-mode command line option to pause the test before the first action or assertion. browsers('chrome') . Studio Guides API Recipes Examples FAQ What's New Support Star 9K Find docs, guides, API TestCafe includes a comprehensive set of server-side API testing tools. addCustomMethods({ method1: fn1, method2: fn2, /* */ }, options) → Selector. request. Use the test. onRequestTo(). It cannot be chained with other TestController methods. after hooks override the fixture-wide afterEach hook. Examples // Selects all siblings of all input elements. afterEach hooks can include test actions and other Test Controller API methods. requestHooks and fixture. compilerOptions method accepts all compiler options listed in the official TypeScript documentation , as well as two additional parameters URL Every HTTP request needs a target URL. To ignore the global concurrency setting for a particular fixture, use the disableConcurrency method. If the cookie object doesn’t specify domain and path, the method sets the cookie for the current page. switchToWindow(window) Activates the window that corresponds to the window descriptor. Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class RequestMock Class Selector Object Constructor. Made with automation in mind Automated waiting Manual timeouts TestCafe is a user-friendly end-to-end testing framework. The following example uses a t. requests → Array<Request> The Request object represents a request-response pair. Use the fixture. Multiple method overloads are available. Client functions can be asynchronous and accept parameters. The browser must be able to execute the injected module. The following methods configure test runner settings required to start tests: Specifies the browsers in which tests run. skip Test. Examples: The following two examples produce identical test scenarios: The window parameter is absent. Parameter Type Description path String The base directory where videos are saved. interface RequestObject { userAgent: String, request: { url: String, method: String Test. Forcibly closes all connections and pending test runs TestCafe is a user-friendly end-to-end testing framework. g. Constructor arguments and options determine the initial results of the Selector query. screenshots method or the -s (--screenshots) CLI option to set the root directory. : pathPattern (optional): String: Defines a custom naming pattern for the screenshot file. nextSibling Method. 1 tests. For example, when TestCafe runs tests in Google Chrome, it only caches resources that Chrome itself would cache. When you use a proxy server, you may still need to access local or external resources directly. Use the ClientFunction constructor to create a client function. addCustomDOMProperties(). If this does not happen within the selector timeout, the test fails. compilerOptions. TestCafe includes a comprehensive set of test action methods. You do not need to call this function if you specify the src property in the configuration file. switchToPreviousWindow() → this | Promise<any> If no new windows are open or closed, consecutive method calls cycle between the two most recent windows. getNativeDialogHistory Method TestCafe collects data from native dialogs that appear after you set a native dialog handler . addCustomMethods() TestCafe awaits Promises from compatible asynchronous functions. Test Actions Article Summary. The method searches all tested pages. Example Selector. If a different element overlaps the action target, TestCafe TestCafe waits for the target element to become visible before it executes an action. selector. Return true from the callback to include the current test or return false to exclude it. httpAuth(credentials) → this TestCafe applies the timeout when the user delays test execution until the window. To perform browser operations before and after tests, use test hooks. before method to run hook code before the test. switchToParentWindow() t. However, the Use the testCafe. 3865. 0 / Windows 10' } { prettyUserAgent: 'Chrome 77. A cookie object contains all properties that can be associated with a web cookie. The Command Line Interfaceis the simplest way to launch and configure TestCafe tests. meta('key1', 'value1'); fixture`Fixture. exists → Promise<boolean> Selectors can match any number of DOM elements — from zero to infinity. requestHooks method to attach request hooks to a fixture. The startApp function takes the following parameters: Test hooks can include test actions and other Test Controller API methods. Specify browser aliases, the test file path, and launch options to run a test: Use the command-line interface to troubleshoot your installation: See more TestCafe includes a comprehensive set of server-side API testing tools. You can add dedicated API tests to your test suite, or include API testing methods in existing functional tests. If a different element overlaps the action target, TestCafe Runner. Create a client function to run custom client-side code and obtain page data. Contains both the name and version of both the browser and the OS. RequestLogger. loadEventRaised event. Use the Test. fixture. close Method Stops the TestCafe server. browser. Adds custom client-side methods to the Selector object. with(options) → ClientFunction The with method returns a new client function with a different set of options. Overrides screenshot path patterns. disablePageCaching → this Example fixture`Fixture. only method to mark a specific test for execution. Use the --start-fullscreen CLI flag to enable the full-screen mode in compatible browsers. You can then For example, you configured a test tasks using the testCafe. They cannot access the browser and execute page actions. addCustomDOMProperties({ property1: fn1, property2: fn2, /* */ }) → Selector TestCafe waits for the target element to become visible before it executes an action. TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object LiveModeRunner Object Runner Object TestCafe Object Global Plugin API BrowserProvider Interface Once a request hook is attached, it intercepts HTTP requests sent during the subsequent test actions. Fixture hooks run in between tests. 1). 0. When you enable an anonymous role, TestCafe empties the authentication data storage and logs the user out. Syntax nextSibling Selector(). Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class RequestMock Class Constructor. The TestCafe Object A TestCafe server instance. The test controller is passed to each function that can run server-side test code (like test, beforeEach or afterEach). TestCafe runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux and takes 1 minute to set up. If a different element overlaps the action target, // Selects elements of the 'label' tag // whose text exactly matches 'I have tried TestCafe'. compilerOptions Method Specifies test compilation settings. You can also use the test. Returns true if the Selector query matches at least one element. ctx Property References the test context object. See Concurrent Test Execution to learn more about concurrent test execution. If a different element overlaps the action target, Selector. If a different element overlaps the action target, TestCafe TestCafe API BrowserConnection Object LiveModeRunner Object Runner Object TestCafe Object Global Plugin API BrowserProvider Interface Reporter Interface Version Logger API API → Test Object →. When you mark multiple tests and/or fixtures with the only method, TestCafe runs all the tests and/or fixtures with the mark. TestCafe executes test hooks in the same browsers as the test - before and after the test itself. withExactText('I have tried TestCafe'); Query results and the DOM Tree. Relative paths to video files are composed according to path patterns. See pageRequestTimeout ClientFunction. 0, Chrome 77. addRequestHooks(). fixture`Fixture. Attach the logger to a test or fixture to enable logging. url String The URL where the request is sent. clearUpload() TestCafe is a user-friendly end-to-end testing framework. resizeWindow t. exists Property. You can access the log with the logger. When you create assertions, avoid the use of custom functions that return a Promise. Test-specific test. concurrency(3); Test API Test Object ClientFunction Object DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class RequestMock Class Selector Object TestController. nextSibling(index) Selector(). What is TestCafe? Use TestCafe to write tests in JS or TypeScript, run them and view results. with() DOMNodeState Object RequestHook Class Fixture Class Global Functions RequestLogger Class RequestMock Class TestCafe waits for the target element to become visible before it executes an action. requests property, or search for entries that satisfy a predicate with logger. The TestCafe object creates test runners that launch tests and browser connections for remote This guide will help you begin your work with TestCafe API by illustrating how test code is organized and demonstrating several practices that will help you keep your code clear and You can run TestCafe tests from the command line or JavaScript/TypeScript API. requests Property Returns an array of logged requests. addCustomMethods Method. clearUpload() beforeEach hooks can include test actions and other Test Controller API methods. lsfmow obvdatfc maao dvkcj xhrzmi zjqu fzbh vrjlbrq ihqggid jut